OpenObject Profiler (for OpenERP)

I just uploaded the first version of my new little proyect: an OpenObject profiler for OpenERP!

In case you are wondering what is a profiler, I found this nice definition: "A profiler is a program that describes the run time performance of a program providing a variety of statistics" - James Roskind, Python Docs

Thus, the OpenObject Profiler is a special module that tracks the execution of the OpenObject Server, and outputs several kinds of stats. It allows to analyze the OpenERP performance easily. It's not a tool to be used alone, but a great companion to tools like the pgFouine PostgreSQL log analyzer, or the Python profiler cProfile.

What does it give to us (the OpenERP programmers) that the generic tools (like the named ones) don't?

Well, it works at the same level openobject programmers do, so it speaks our language too: Instead of talking about SQL queries or Python function calls (concepts that will usually be too fine-grained for us), it talks about OpenObject services and ORM methods, it doesn't display table names but object names instead, it even understands some of the parameters of the methods and uses them to profile them better. This is the kind of stats you may get:

  • Number of service level calls (from an OpenObject client) and time spent.
  • ORM methods called by the service layer (times, sources of calls...).
  • Complexity info for service and ORM methods (time by number of records processed).
  • Browse records usage on the service methods (and leakage info).

You may find the module in the extra addons for the 6.0 version of OpenERP (maybe I backport it to 5.0 too).

Finally, as I love examples, here you have a sample output from the profiler (generated after some menu reads):


| OpenObject Profiler Output
| Service method
| Calls Time Time per call
| 186 0.6144866 0.0033036
| ORM methods called (by the service method):
| 186 0.6038930 0.0032467
| Called from (callers of the ORM method):
| execute_cr@.../bin/osv/
| 186 0.6038930 0.0032467
| 141 0.1454751 0.0010317
| Called from (callers of the ORM method):
| search@.../bin/addons/base/ir/
| 141 0.1454751 0.0010317
| 140 0.1129667 0.0008069
| Called from (callers of the ORM method):
| read@.../bin/addons/base/res/
| 140 0.1129667 0.0008069
| ORM sample call trace (for the service method):
| 0.001493930: - search@.../base/ir/
| 0.002168893: - read@.../base/res/
| 0.002876043: - execute_cr@...bin/osv/
| Browse Records (used by the service method):
| Created Model
| 1314
| Complexity profile (records/items per service method call):
| Complex. Time/item | Calls Time Time/call
| 1 0.003345962 | 70 0.234217405 0.003345962
| 2 0.001361489 | 1 0.002722978 0.002722978
| 3 0.001032924 | 100 0.309877395 0.003098773
| 8 0.000580956 | 9 0.041828870 0.004647652
| 9 0.000478519 | 6 0.025840044 0.004306674
| Global Browse Records (used by all the service methods)
| Created Alive Garbage Model
| 1314 109 0
| Global ORM complexity log (records/items per orm method call)
| Complex. Time/item | Calls Time Time/call
| 1 0.000814499 | 190 0.154754877 0.000814499
| 1 0.003299624 | 70 0.230973720 0.003299624
| 2 0.001343965 | 1 0.002687931 0.002687931
| 3 0.001018521 | 148 0.452223539 0.003055564
| 5 0.000274610 | 2 0.002746105 0.001373052
| 8 0.000576370 | 9 0.041498661 0.004610962
| 9 0.000474298 | 6 0.025612115 0.004268685
| 21 0.001669777 | 3 0.105195999 0.035065333
| 38 0.000126301 | 3 0.014398336 0.004799445
| 77 0.000353303 | 3 0.081613063 0.027204354
| 78 0.000162627 | 3 0.038054943 0.012684981
| - - | 191 0.204602479 0.001071217






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